• 周四. 1 月 23rd, 2025





8 月 3, 2024


 我来参加哲学大会就是为了寻找一位或者一个群体是真懂【爱智慧】的哲学家 。进行对话共同解决人类现在和未来的混乱和危机等等问题。特别是人类的认知统一的问题。

 真哲学家的标准;  一,能描述清楚哲学的定义 概念  范围 特征等等认知的基本命题。

  • 能够应用不欺骗语言体系。真实的对话。避免发生诡辩和欺骗。
  • 能够描述哲学在不同的时代和制度的位置,作用等等标准。例如;奴隶制时代和正常人时代的不同和相同。
  • 能够应用伪相对真理。真相对真理。绝对真理和终极真理。普遍真理。描述哲学这个名词的标准。
  • 能够应用【圣经】描述爱智慧和智慧果的区别。并且从上帝 人类和魔鬼三个角度描述对于智慧的认知标准。
  • 从奴隶制,精英制,正常人制。圣人制等等不同的制度描述智慧这个名词的位置和标准体系。
  • 从标准的标准体系;描述智慧的现在哲学达到什么等级的标准。包括过去和现在的每一个哲学家达到什么标准。任何没有标准的命题。名词都存在不同程度的诡辩和欺骗。都没有资格称为【正确】任何没有标准体系的命题和名词都没有资格称为【准确】任何没有数的描述都没有资格称为【精确】。故对话的平台是从正确开始的。
  • 应用数学计算现在哲学的智慧值和愚蠢值。包括邪恶值和善良值,欺骗值和真实值。等等认知。同样也适应每一个哲学家。


            挑战发起人;张建新 号 真一

电话号码 86 17731399372



Philosophy challenge boo

Dear Chairman of the Philosophical Congress

I came to the philosophy conference to find a group of philosophers who really understand [love wisdom]. Dialogue works together to address the present and future chaos and crises of mankind. In particular, the problem of human cognitive unity.

The standard of a true philosopher;

First, it can describe the basic propositions of the definition concept range and characteristics of philosophy.

Ability to apply an undeceiving language system. Real dialogue. Avoid sophistry and deception.

Be able to describe philosophy in different times and institutional positions, functions and other standards. For example; the age of slavery and the age of normal people.

Ability to apply the false relative truth. It’s relatively true. Absolute truth and the ultimate truth.universal truth. The criterion for describing the term philosophy.

五  Be able to use [the Bible] to describe the difference between love wisdom and wisdom fruit. And describe the cognitive standard of wisdom from the perspectives of God, human and the devil.

六  From slavery, to meritocracy, to normal people. The sage system and so on different systems describe the position and standard system of the term wisdom.

七  From the standard system; describing the standard of intellectual philosophy. Including what standards every philosopher of the past and the present meets. Any proposition without a standard. Nouns have varying degrees of sopstry and deception. Are not qualified to be called [correct] any proposition and noun without a standard system are not

八  Apply mathematics to calculate the wise and foolish values of the present philosophy. Including evil and good, deception and true. And so on cognition. Also adapt to every philosopher.

Being able to complete any question description can be an open conversation. Because there are many software translation errors. I hope that a platform for dialogue can be established during the conference.

Challenge initiator; Zhang Jianxin, zheni

  mail:976244683@qq.com Phone number 86 17731399372

The challenge is given directly to the chairman of the World Philosophy Congress

Date; August 3,2024



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